If it ain't broke...

Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Cue the chorus

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We just filed our taxes, and as usual, we’re getting a hefty refund. It’s so hard not to blow it all at once, especially since we do without so much the rest of the year. We’re trying to be responsible, though, and do things that really need to be done, like getting rid of the strange, brown mold that’s been slowly taking over the bathroom in our room. And replacing the dangerously cracked windshield on my car before it causes either an accident or large fine. But there are other things on the list as well, such as a trip to the kids’ favorite indoor waterpark. And ink for the printer (I’m surprisingly excited about this). Hey, we have to splurge once in a while, or we’ll go nuts, right?

1 comment(s):

Yeah for tax returns!!!!!!! Have fun with your new $$$$$$$ I can't wait to get ours!


By Blogger Mom to Mr. Handsome, at 8:00 PM  

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